
Lab report 1

Remote Access and Filesystem

Installing VS Code

This is MacOS version downloaded and opened. Image

Remotely Connecting

You can connect the remote server by ssh (The Secure Shell)

If it is first time logging in, it could ask “Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?” question.

After successful login, temrminal is now connected to the server. It will show status like below image. image

Trying commands

There are multiple commands that could be used in the terminal.

These are few examples of commands. When it is run in terminal, it would look like this. image

Moving file with scp

It will print like this below image

Notice that WhereAmI.java file is added in the directory.

Also different username and os name is printed depending if the java file was run in computer or server.

Setting an SSH key

When logging into the server, it is difficult to enter password everytime. To make this easiler, there is SSH key.

It will look like below. image

image After this, password is not required when logging into the server.


Optimizing remote running

There is easiler way to make a copy of a file and run in the remote server by semicolon and quotes.

Multiple commands can be run in same line with semicolon. Quotes at the end of the ssh allows to run command.
