
Lab report 5

Grading Script

grade.sh code

rm -rf student-submission
mkdir student-submission
git clone $1 student-submission
cp TestListExamples.java student-submission
cd student-submission

if [[ -e ListExamples.java ]]
    echo "ListExamples.java file submitted! +1 point"
    echo "ListExamples.java file is missing -1 point Total:" $GRADE"/3 point"
    exit 1
javac -cp $CPATH *.java
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
    echo "Files are successfully complied! +1 point"
    echo "Complie Error -1 point Total:" $GRADE"/3 point"
    exit 1

java -cp $CPATH org.junit.runner.JUnitCore TestListExamples 
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
    echo "All test passed! Total:" $GRADE"/3 point"
    exit 0

    echo "Test Error -1 point"
    echo "More work needed! Total:" $GRADE"/3 point"
    exit 1

grade.sh in GradeServer

image image image

Trace of the code with last screenshot

rm -rf student-submission
removed the folder student-submission
mkdir student-submission
crate a new folder named student-submission
git clone $1 student-submission
clones the linked github repository into the folder named student-submission in this line standard error “Cloning into ‘student-submission’…” is printed
cp TestListExamples.java student-submission
copies the TestListExamples.java file into the student-submission folder
cd stduent-submission
changes current directory to student-submission folder
creates variable named GRADE and equal to 0 to trace the grade
if [[ -e ListExamples.java ]]
checks if the ListExmaples.java file exists. In this case, the file exists. Condition is true. So it goes to the then statement and echo "ListExamples.java file submitted! +1 point" by standard output and increments GRADE by ((GRADE++)).
else echo "ListExamples.java file is missing -1 point Total: " $GRADE"/3 point" exit 1 fi
these lines are not runned because the if condition was true.
variable CPATH created to make javac and java command easiler
javac -cp $CPATH *.java
complie the java files and because this file returns the complie error, it printed the standard error.
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
checks if complie was successful but the condition is false because there was complie error.
then echo "Files are successfully complied! +1 point" (GRADE++)
these lines are not runned because the if statement was false.
else echo "Complie Error -1 point Total:" $GRADE"/3 point"
this line is runned because the condition of if statement was false. It echo “Complie Error -1 point Total:” $GRADE”/3 point” with standard output.
exit 1
return code was non-zero and all of the line after this line is not runned because this is an early exit.